‘We’re exploring new food and beverage frontiers’

‘We’re exploring new food and beverage frontiers’

Starting this month, ingredient supplier Sweegen will begin commercialising its ‘newest advancement in sweetness’, brazzein, under its Ultratia brand. 

The launch places Sweegen at the forefront of innovative approaches to sugar reduction, head of global innovation Shari Mahon contended. “We’re exploring new food and beverage frontiers. We continue to pioneer the latest sugar alternatives and technologies to reimagine food and drink that truly delivers on the promise of wellness. The launch of Ultratia brazzein further demonstrates Sweegen as a thought leader in wellness ingredient technologies and innovations.”

The innovation will unlock new opportunities for food and beverage formulators working to create better-for-you and reduced sugar products, the company believes.

What is so special about Sweegen’s brazzein innovation?

Brazzein is a sweet-tasting protein extracted from the West African fruit of the climbing plant Oubli. It was first isolated by the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1994. However, building commercial scale has proven challenging. The ingredient is found sparingly in nature and to scale brazzein sustainably Sweegen is leveraging a proprietary precision fermentation process, a technology it says produces clean and sustainable ingredients. “Sweegen’s competitive advantage is our technology which enables us to scale brazzein,”​ Mahon told FoodNavigator. “Sweegen’s Ultratia brazzein is a sweet protein produced via a precision fermentation process.”
